The weather is getting colder and as autumn turns to winter, our skin and hair are having to deal with a change in temperature. To keep yourself looking at your absolute best this autumn and winter time, here are a few top beauty tips.

Get your skin hydrated
As the autumn comes around, your skin is likely to be enjoying the last of the summer sun. The sun can dry your skin out so it is a good idea to ensure that your skin gets re-hydrated with a good moisturising regime. Get into a routine of regularly applying your moisturiser to ensure that your skin is radiant even when the weather isn’t. Remember to get a good moisturiser for your face and other good one for your body.
Get your hair back into great condition
The cold temperatures of autumn can do damage to your hair and as the winter months approach, it will only get worse. In order to combat the cold weather, treat your hair to a moisturising mask. Use the hair mask about once a week to ensure that your hair doesn’t suffer from the cold by becoming dry and brittle.
Give your body a rest and detox
If you’ve spent the summer months enjoying barbecues and over indulging on holiday, why not give your body a bit of a detox before you splurge again at Christmas? A few weeks of less alcohol and healthier foods will do wonders for your body, and your appearance. When you eat healthily, it shows. Your skin will be glowing and radiant with more water, fruit and veg.
Treat your hands and nails
When the weather gets cold, your hands really feel it. Your hands are exposed to the elements during cold weather and as a result, the skin can become dry and cracked. Try to use a thick hand moisturiser to replenish any moisture lost. If your hands are really struggling with the cold, buy some think cotton gloves to put on your hands over some hand cream whilst you sleep. Don’t forget to pay attention to your finger nails. You finger nails can really suffer, particularly if you use polishes which dry quickly. These also dry your nails quickly. Ensure that you moisturise your nails with a good quality hand and nail cream.
Give your makeup bag a clear out
The start of a new season is a great time to give your makeup bag an overhaul. Clear out your makeup bag, getting rid of those empties and shavings from sharpening your eye and lip liner. Anything which is old and not at its best, get rid of. Give your makeup brushes a good cleanse with warm water and mild soap. A good wash will get rid of debris and oil which can be bad for your skin. Now is a good time to add a couple of new items to your makeup bag, maybe some warm autumn tones to compliment your look as the weather cools down.
Claire Townley is a beauty blogger. She buys her natural skin products from