How To Colour Your Hair At Home

Written by Serena Durham  June 6th 2012

Many women In London rarely visit a hair salon to have their hair done from there. They have discovered that it is cheaper to do it from the comfort of their home. This also saves them a lot of time which can be used constructively to take care of the children and other household chores. One of the things that these women have decided to do is colour their hair at home. If you are also intending to dye your hair at home, you have two options available: either do it yourself or call a professional mobile hair dresser in London to do it for you.

Colouring the hair yourself need a lot of attention and care. You cannot afford messing around with your hair. Any mistake will leave you disappointed with a colour which you cannot do anything about. For the best results, ensure that you are aware of the best dye for your skin complexion and hair type. There are basically many different types of hair dyes with each colour meant to suit a different complexion, and taste.

Once you manage to choose the right colour to suit your complexion, the next step involves applying it. Do not wash your hair  prior to the application of the hair color. This will ensure that the hair remains strong even after coloring since colouring is a harsh process which can dry the hair and make it prone to cut.

Check the color that you want to achieve as indicated on the side of the box, and read carefully the instructions If you are satisfied that the colour will be achieved by using the hair dye, prepare yourself by putting on the gloves.  This are meant to protect the hands from the dye. Keep a clock nearby to check the processing time. You should not exceed the recommended time. Other materials you will need are a bowl, a hair colouring brush, and it is best to do the process  in the bathroom.

After following the mixing instructions, apply the color evenly and ensure that all the desired hair is applied. Wipe off any color that has been mistakenly applied on the face or ears with a dry tissue. After checking the timer and getting contented with the outcome of the colour, wash off the color for three minutes. Condition the hair to replenish it with the lost moisture.

In case you are not confident that you can do it yourself  on your own, call a mobile hair dresser in London. He/ she will be readily available to colour your hair professionally with the best dye to suit you and give you a new look. Why not call a mobile hair dresser London today for that look you have always desired?

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